+91 3322360203

Display Units

In display devices, images are displayed in visual or tactile form (such as in tactile electronic displays for blind people). Usually, electronic displays employ electrical signals as the input information.


We deal with the following brands to deliver the best display unit solutions:

We are a leading distributor of the best-class display units of these brands that are delivered, installed and commissioned, maintaining high-quality standards to cater to the specific requirements of our valued clients. Contact us to

Korean multinational electronics company LG Electronics Inc. is based in Yeouido-dong, Seoul, South Korea. In 2014, LG Electronics' global sales reached US$55.91 billion and was part of the fourth-largest chaebol in South Korea.

Secureye is one of the leading display unit providers in the market. For the past 25 years Secure-eye has been delivering the widest range of display units that deliver unmatched excellence in terms of connectivity, resolution, and efficiency to a diverse customer base.

AOC offers high-quality, reliable, user-friendly and innovative computer monitors. They have been incorporating the best technologies to deliver best quality LED and LCD monitors for 75+ years as of now.